ICS collaborates with two University summer courses
They are 'Emotions, ethics and Education' and 'Cultural heritage as resource for the development of Navarra'.
PHOTO: Wikimedia
The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) collaborates in 2017 with two summer courses of the University of Navarra organized by the School of Philosophy and Letters and supported by the Government of Navarra. These are 'Emotions, ethics and Education', which takes place on June 22 and 23, and 'Cultural heritage as resource for the development of Navarra', which is held on August 30 and 31.
Emotions, ethics and Education' intends to carry out an interdisciplinarydiscussion on emotions that allows a deeper understanding of them from different perspectives in order to favor their application in the educational and therapeutic internship . It is designed for philosophers, psychologists, pedagogues, teachers, secondary school teachers, guidance counselors, social workers, social workers, social educators...
It is directed by Mariano Crespo, researcher of the project 'Emotional culture and identity' of the ICS, and María del Rosario González Martín, professor of the School of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid. It is taught at the classroom ICS, at the Library Services of Humanities.
Cultural heritage as resource for the development of Navarra' seeks to assess the sustainable models of development of cultural tourism in Navarra and those that could be applied in this land, to establish a exchange of opinions between academics and cultural heritage managers and to highlight the business possibilities of development and research offered by the rich heritage of Navarra. The partnership on the part of the ICS is framed in the line 'Creativity and Cultural Heritage'.
It is aimed at professionals and organizations of the management heritage and tourism. It is also open to the public interested in learning about the rich heritage of Navarra and the strategies available for its exploitation.
It is directed by two professors from department of History, Art History and Geography: Julia Pavón Benito and Javier Andreu Pintado. It is taught at classroom ICS and the Palacio de Olite.