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5 reasons to make volunteer activities

Isabel Ferrer (ISSA'19) and Alejandro Iribas (ISSA'20), Tantaka delegates at ISSA School of Management Assistants, offer their reasons based on their experience.

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Isabel Ferrer (ISSA'19) and Alejandro Iribas (ISSA'20). PHOTO: Chus Cantalapiedra
26/09/18 09:00 Chus Cantalapiedra

Isabel Ferrer (ISSA'19) and Alejandro Iribas (ISSA'20) are the Tantaka delegates at ISSA School of Management Assistants during the 2018-19 academic year. Isabel participates in a basketball workshop for children of immigrants and Alejandro collaborates with the Manos Unidas delegation in Pamplona, although he has previously collaborated by giving Spanish classes to foreigners and participating in soccer games played with prison inmates.

After their volunteer experience, they offer their reasons for dedicating their time to others.

1. Nearby we have people who need us. "We cannot look the other way" (Alejandro).

2. It is much easier than we think. "With only one hour a week you can do a great job of volunteer activities" (Alejandro).

3. It doesn't take up your time. "By helping others we are gaining much more than we would have if we dedicated ourselves to ourselves" (Alejandro). "That dead time you have you can dedicate to people who really appreciate it and when you return home you have renewed energy" (Isabel).

4. It ends up being a part of you. "The girls I coach are my team and my teammates are amazing people who enjoy it just as much as you do. Both end up being indispensable at the end of the week" (Isabel).

5. It is a unique experience. "When you start you can't stop. Although sometimes it can be a little effort, it is something you have to live" (Isabel).



