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Seven medical students from the University of Navarra participate in a solidarity program in Kenya this summer.

Volunteers have provided health care, collaborated in projects at development and taught classes to children and adolescents.

27/08/10 07:18
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Six of the medical students, with two local children. PHOTO: Idoia Sánchez

Seven students from School of Medicine of the University of Navarra, Idoia Sánchez, Paloma Alonso, Isabel Ayechu, Cristina Duart, Goretti Fernández, Begoña Gastón and María Villarreal, participated this past summer in a cooperation project organized by the association María Salus Infirmorum in partnership with the NGO ONAY in the Kenyan town of Kiongwani.

financial aid The participation of the medical students consisted in providing a medical assistance to the people of the village in a small dispensary several days a week. This dispensary will be expanded in the coming months thanks to partnership of the Government of Navarra. In this way, it will be possible to help more people in better conditions.

In addition, the students of the University of Navarra participated in different information sessions in schools in the area talking about malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS and sexual relations and about important aspects of hygiene. The women who participated in these talks could ask questions to clarify any doubts they might have.

"You have to live with these people to realize that from the very first moment they do everything they can to make you feel at home: they dedicate their time, their smiles, their dances, their affection.... They feel so lucky with your visit and you feel so special among them...", explains Idoia Sanchez, one of the medical students.

"At the academic level we have learned a lot, from public speaking in English, to knowing which subject of medicines can solve some pain... We have lived through some pretty tough experiences on a medical level, but you realize that they never complain about anything, they just give thanks over and over again for being alive and because you are helping them at that moment," Sánchez concludes.

- Photos of the trip (I)
- Photos of the trip (II)
- Photos of the trip (III)



