The Science Museum of the University of Navarra submission 24 suitcases of experiments to schools in Navarre
"La maleta periódica" is a project of knowledge dissemination and Education scientific, supported by the FECYT, which aims to bring the Chemistry to new generations.

A total of 25 schools -24 in Navarra and 1 in La Rioja- have collected the suitcases of experiments from Chemistry, corresponding to the project "The periodic suitcase". This is an initiative of Education and knowledge dissemination of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra, with the support of partnership of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Each case contains a total of 32 different reagents and a book of protocols, as well as material necessary for some of the experiments, such as a neodymium magnet, a silicone mold or a microspatula.
The schools participating in this project -which belong to 3rd and 4th of ESO and 1st and 2nd of high school diploma- are: IES Iturrama, IES place de la Cruz, San Ignacio-Jesuitas, Irabia-Izaga, Dominicas Pamplona, Hijas de Jesús, ClaretLarraona, Miravalles-El Redín, San Cernin, Liceo Monjardín, Maristas Pamplona, Escolapios, San Fermín Ikastola, Jaso Ikastola, IES Sancho III el Mayor (Tafalla), Escolapios (Tafalla), IES Valle del Ebro (Tudela), high school La Anunciata (Tudela), IES TokiOna (Bera), IES Pedro de Atarrabia (Villava), Luis Amigó (Mutilva), IES Barañain (Barañain) and high school Santa Teresa (Calahorra).
Experimentation in three modalitiesDuring the event, the different modalities of this initiative were presented to the attending schools. "The periodic suitcase is yours" is the version that will be developed by the schools in a more active way. "We want students to learn through experimentation abstract concepts from Chemistry such as atomic emission, redox reactions, oxidation states, activation energies, among many others," says Cristina Sola, principal investigator of project and professor at School of Sciences of the University of Navarra.
Professor Cristina Sola highlighted the numerous requests from schools in Spain and also from other countries such as Chile and Argentina. "We have had a very good reception of project by schools in Navarre, other neighboring communities and schools throughout Spain, which makes us consider taking the project nationwide".
The initiative has two more modalities: "The Periodic Suitcase visit your center" consists of a graduate in Chemistry that goes on request to any school center to perform experiments of Chemistry in the classroom; and "Come to know the periodic suitcase" takes place in the Science Museum of the University of Navarra with different activities for all audiences. "The Periodic Suitcase" is part of the Science Museum's STEM strategy to make the teaching of subjects related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics more attractive. The Museum and the FECYT promote this project on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the creation of the periodic table, celebrated in 2019.