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The Institute of research Sanitaria de Navarra submits the necessary documentation for its accreditation

The University, the Clinic and CIMA participate in the research carried out by the Institute.

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Some of the researchers to whom the Institute has been presented. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/03/15 18:47

The Instituto de research Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA) has submitted to the audit team of the Carlos III Institute of Health in Madrid the documentation required for its accreditation. The final report prepared by the Madrid institute will be sent to the Commission of assessment of accreditations of research institutes Sanitaria, to examine the viability of its Strategic Plan. The project was born out of the interest and demand of the academic community of Navarra to work on a common project to help develop the research.

The Institute of research Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA) is a biomedical research space multidisciplinary and translational, the result of the association between groups of the Navarra Hospital Complex (CHN), the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN), the Navarra Health Service, the Institute of Public Health, the University of Navarra, the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA ) and Navarrabiomed-Miguel Servet Foundation.

It currently has 759 researchers who, organized into 100 groups, focus their work and scientific production on nine strategic areas linked to health: Oncology and Hematology; Primary Care; Cardiovascular Diseases; Digestive System and Metabolism; Neurosciences; Mental Health; Inflammatory, Immune and Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology and Public Health; and Advanced Therapies and Diagnostic Innovations. Almost 70% of the Institute's researchers combine this work with their healthcare activity and have already published more than 300 collaborative articles and more than 3,300 publications in the last five years.

IdiISNA is committed to cooperation between public-private institutions, both hospitals and centers of research, in order to optimize the resources of research and development and create synergies and added value to research. Its aim is to contribute to raising the quality of the research, and, as a consequence, that of the biomedical attendance and teaching of the Autonomous Community of Navarra. It also aims to be a focus of attraction for young researchers with more opportunities, better support for training and new ways of financing projects.



