Open the period of registration in the Science Club
Students in the second year of high school diploma will be able to increase their scientific training through sessions with experts from the University of Navarra.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
"Introduction to the scientific research ", "The art of Chemistry and Chemistry in art" or "Transgenic animals and plants" are the titles of some of the sessions that will take place in the Science Club. A program organized by the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra and aimed at second year students of high school diploma that takes place on several Wednesdays of the year from 18.00 to 19.00 hours. Those interested can register for the face-to-face version until Thursday, October 2, and for the online version, modality , until October 13.
This program will allow students to deepen their scientific training thanks to an exclusive program of internships and scientific knowledge dissemination sessions. The School of Sciences will provide the necessary material. Upon completion, participants will be able to obtain an accredited diploma .
The Science Club offers 25 places for the modality presential. The criterion to get a place will be the academic average of 1º de high school diploma.