Architecture, design and applied technical sciences
With an innovative and creative approach , we promote the research and partnership multidisciplinary to address solutions and technologies in the fields of health, environmental sustainability and adaptation to climate change, urbanization and inclusive design , innovation in materials and artificial intelligence. Our applied research is reflected in the active search for concrete solutions at the service of people, institutions and companies, enriching an innovative and relevant research for society.
research featured projects

Building Energy Efficiency. Accurate estimation of building occupancy for better energy management .
Additive Manufacturing Molds and Thermoforming of ESD sheets for functional packaging at Economics circular.

Thanks to the synergy between teaching and research, these Schools face the challenges of society starting from their branches of knowledge. Located in Madrid, Pamplona and San Sebastian, they develop their activities to contribute to the professional, scientific and human training , focused on caring for people and the environment.
> ISEM Fashion Business School

> Biodiversity and Environment Institute -BIOMA-
> Institute of Science of the data and Artificial Intelligence -DATAI-.
> association Technological Center CEIT. research center linked to the University of Navarra.
Scientific production

→ Get to know all the groups of research at the University's Portal Científico.