Biomedicine and health
We carry out our biomedical research in a unique campus that integrates the scientific innovation of several Schools, research centers and a university hospital. Our purpose is to promote a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary and translational research focused on patient care. In that sense, we develop a personalized medicine oriented especially in oncological diseases, rare diseases, palliative medicine and healthy nutrition. The partnership with other areas of knowledge such as engineering or new AI-based solutions, in addition to contributing to a research of excellence, leads to innovative solutions in the field of biomedical engineering.
research featured projects

Biomedical Campus

The care of the person and service to society is the core of our medical care, research and teaching; and these are the pillars that we seek to transmit to our students and young researchers. A solid scientific, technical and human basis make up the Education and the work of these centers and Schools.
> Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN)
> Schools of Medicine, Science, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Nursing and Tecnun.
> research center Applied Medicine (CIMA). research center linked to the University of Navarra.
Scientific production

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