

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas

podcast-Las palabras importan: (re)pensando el impacto del lenguaje en emociones y actitudes durante la pandemia-texto

Words matter: (re)thinking the impact of language on emotions and attitudes during the pandemic.

Inés Olza

Inés Olza

During the health crisis, the authorities (public, political, health) often resort to the metaphor of war to speak of a virus that must be defeated. This has favored warlike attitudes among the public and a lack of motivation in the face of an unceasing battle.

The discussion among linguists that has emerged in social networks, called "Reframe Covid", proposes a reorientation of words and public messages, specifically, a change from war language to a message of solidarity. Social motivation and hope are easier to generate if we advocate a sustained, collective effort, full of solidarity reasons and with concrete rules that are easy to understand and carry out. Language, well employee, generates cohesion and resilience.

podcast-Las palabras importan: (re)pensando el impacto del lenguaje en emociones y actitudes durante la pandemia-texto2

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Table of contents:

1'55'' - Influence of public messages on the reaction of a society and of individuals in particular to face the health crisis. 

5'00" - Changing the metaphor of war for a call for solidarity.

7'20" - The role of emotions in public speeches (political, health, experts...). 

8'55" - Language that generates cohesion and resilience. 

10'00" - Knowing how to disseminate science, core topic so that the messages are understood by society. 

11'45" - Consulting different sources of information avoids manipulation.

13'00'' - Messages and different ways of telling the same thing according to age.

14'00'' - The importance of words in all situations, beyond the pandemic. 

15'40'' - Tips for all people on the proper use of words.