The University launches a study on practical strategies to facilitate a healthy per diem expenses
Dieticians and psychologists work in this project, which seeks volunteers between 18 and 65 years of age who are overweight or obese.

PhotoManuelCastells/Iryna Rachyla, Eva Almirón and Elkin Luis, researchers of project PORTIONS-3 conducted by the University of Navarra.
03 | 03 | 2023
What impact does the content of the dish have on the weight and health of the person who eats it? This is the starting point of project PORTIONS-3, a research launched by the research center in Nutrition and the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra, at partnership with the National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA).
"Eating behavior is a complex behavior that varies greatly from individual to individual. For example, some people associate healthy eating with effort and sacrifices, not only in terms of the palate but also in terms of meal planning and preparation," explains Dr. Elkin Luís, Senior Associate Professor of School of Education and Psychology and co-researcher of project.
"With this project we aim to expand the range of existing dietary strategies to help the population learn to eat better and prevent overweight and obesity in a manageable way, with less effort, so as to ensure continuity of the habit," adds Dr. Eva Almirón, principal investigator of project, and manager of laboratory of Eating Behavior at research center in Nutrition.
Volunteers between 18 and 65 years of age
To achieve this goal, the researcher team analyzes the use and immediate impact of new dietary strategies. They are currently seeking participants, volunteers between 18 and 65 years of age who are overweight or obese, non-smokers, who do not have a professional dietetic and nutritionist training , who have not changed their per diem expenses or weight in the last 3 months, or have medical conditions that may alter eating behavior or weight, such as diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, or cognitive impairment.
Participation requires attend to attend two face-to-face sessions at the University of Navarra during midday. Each session will last approximately 3 hours and will involve consuming a meal, which will be provided at the center, as well as completing a series of questionnaires and providing blood samples.
Before entering the study, all candidates will go through a phase of assessment. "This is a controlled research and we must ensure that all participants present a similar profile ," explains Dr. Iryna Rachyla postdoctoral researcher at research center in Nutrition who is involved in project. This assessment phase includes a 90-minute face-to-face visit .
Those interested in participating can send an e-mail to (indicating PORTIONS-3 in the subject line) or call 948 42 56 00 Ext. 802467. All information and requirements can be consulted on its web page, where there is also a form to register in the center's volunteer database and receive information about new projects.