Institute for Culture and Society starts the 22-23 academic year with a boost in international and interdisciplinary talent researcher : 84 researchers from 17 disciplines and 24 nationalities
At the meeting , at the beginning of the ICS course, Jaime García del Barrio, stressed the importance of generating convergence of research between groups.
07 | 10 | 2022
The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) has celebrated its meeting at the beginning of the course in which Jaime García del Barrio, director of the center, has reviewed some new developments for the academic year 22-23 and some milestones of the previous year 21-22.
Firstly, he highlighted the attraction of international and interdisciplinary talent researcher . In the 22-23 academic year, 17 people have joined the ICS, including 11 researchers, four PhD students and two technicians from research. Thus, this year the ICS is made up of 84 people and 173 collaborators from 17 scientific disciplines and up to 24 nationalities.
In addition, he recalled some of the novelties of the course: the merger of the groups of research 'Emotional culture and identity' and 'Creativity and Cultural Heritage', which has given rise to group 'Links, creativity and culture' or the creation of the Center for Civic Humanism funded by the Citizenship and Values Foundation. It has also highlighted some initiatives to generate convergence of research between group, such as the challenge ICS 2022-2023 'Young people, relationships and psychological well-being' or the projects chosen in the internal call for ICS 22-23.
The 2021-2022 academic year in milestones
On the other hand, García del Barrio took stock of the 2021-2022 academic year. He celebrated the continuous improvement of research production, which is reflected in the percentage of papers collected in journals of high scientific impact. Ninety percent of the articles and reviews were collected in first and second quartile journals. Almost 80% of the articles were published in co-authorship, which, in the opinion of director of the ICS, sample the breadth of international researcher networks at the center.
He went on to express his gratitude for the efforts made to obtain external funding. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 50 projects were submitted to competitive calls. Among other grants, two Horizon 2021 and 2022 grants from the European Commission, one scholarship Juan de la Cierva incorporation, two grants from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, one financial aid from high school of Carlos III Health and one scholarship from the Social Observatory of "La Caixa" have been obtained.
Likewise, García del Barrio recalled some initiatives that obtained non-competitive funding last year: the ATLANTES Global Observatory of Pallative Care, funded by the Ramón Areces Foundation, the "La Caixa" Foundation, the L'Ontano Foundation and private sponsors; the Center for Civic Humanism, supported by the Citizenship and Values Foundation and PROEDUCA; and the project E(f)FECTS, promoted by Brigham Young University and private donors.
Focused and impactful research
The director of the ICS also highlighted the importance of the social impact of the research for the center. This impact has materialized in the organization of congresses with international and academic entities, such as the World Health Organization or the University of Pennsylvania, or the partnership with public and private institutions, mainly at the local level. For example, work was carried out with the Observatory of the social reality of Navarra or with the department of Migration Policies and Justice. He also highlighted the impact on the media, where 30 news items, 141 interviews and reports and 43 opinion articles were published, reaching an audience of approximately 15,000,000 people.
Finally, García del Barrio recalled some of the challenges on which work must continue: the search for funding through large calls for proposals and philanthropists, strengthening ties with the University's Schools through secondments, enhancing research on Latin America and institutional relations with the continent, aligning research with international scientific challenges and the University's Strategy 2025, improving social impact, promoting partnership with the University of Navarra Museum and generating convergence in the research of the groups.