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University scientists investigate whether olive extract can contribute to lowering cholesterol

The research center in Nutrition is looking for volunteers, people with overweight or obesity and altered cholesterol levels, to evaluate the efficacy of this product.

/From left to right, the researchers of the research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra Idoia Ibero, Iosune Zubieta, Salomé Pérez Díaz, Santiago Navas, Verónica Ciaurriz and Carmen Cristobo.

08 | 04 | 2024

Can the consumption of olive extract contribute to the reduction of cholesterol in overweight or obese subjects? This is the starting hypothesis of project OLICOL, a study launched by the research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra, whose researcher principal is Dr. Santiago Navas Carretero, who is also a member of CIBEROBN.

Dr. Navas and his team have as goal to evaluate the functionality of a product based on olive-derived polyphenols on parameters related to metabolic syndrome, especially on total cholesterol levels in overweight or obese people. In addition, its impact on gastrointestinal health will also be studied.

The product is the result of a project of research and development, co-financed by the Government of Navarra in the framework of the call for Strategic Projects 2022 (CIRCFOOD), whose goal was to value agri-food by-products with nutritional application of local origin as well as to promote the Economics circular and the development of products with high added value in Navarra.

Volunteers between 18 and 65 years of age

A parallel intervention study with two groups (experimental and control) has been designed for the project OLICOL. During the research, both groups will receive healthy eating dietary guidelines as well as one of the two study products.

For this purpose, the team of research center in Nutrition of the University of Navarra is looking for male and female volunteers between 18 and 65 years of age with overweight or obesity and altered cholesterol levels (greater than or equal to 200 mg/dl) who do not take any drug or supplement subject for the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood. Those interested in participating can send an e-mail to (indicating OLICOL in the subject line) or fill in the following e-mail address form. For more information, please call 948 425 744.

The study has a duration of 12 weeks and participants will have to visit the facilities of research center en Nutrición (in Pamplona) on three occasions (visit screening, visit initial and final). Each visit will last approximately 30 minutes and they will be asked to complete questionnaires related to their physical activity, eating habits and gastrointestinal symptoms. In addition, their weight, body composition, blood pressure and blood samples will be measured at the initial and final visit . Capillary cholesterol levels are measured at the screening visit .

Information and requirements can be found at section of volunteers on the website of research center in Nutrition, where there is also a form to register in the center's volunteer database to receive information about new projects.



