Operation Nimrod: dealing with the repercussions of terrorism
The film 6 Días and the so-called Operation Nimrod, protagonists of the first session of the film forum organized by the University's Defense Club.

12 | 01 | 2023
The film 6 días (2017) and the so-called Operation Nimrod were the protagonists of the first session of the cineforum organized by the Security and Defense Club of the University of Navarra. This monthly activity seeks to bring its participants closer to events of relevance for national and international security and the field of intelligence through great works of cinema.
Directed by New Zealander Toa Fraser, director , 6 days tells the story of the assault on the Iranian embassy in London by the terrorist group Revolutionary Democratic Front for the Liberation of Arabistan (DRFLA). The events took place from April 30 to May 5, 1980, during the government of Margaret Thatcher. The British SAS operation, following talks by Max Vernon (played by Mark Strong), to enter and free the hostages was named Operation Nimrod and was led by Rusty Firmin (played by Jamie Bell).
After the screening of the film, José María Combarro Pérez explained to professors and students of different Schools of the University, the history of the terrorist group , the academic difficulty to define a precise and unique definition of terrorism, the different types of terrorism that exist, the ways to deal with it and the way in which society can combat its effects.
The next session of the cineforum will take place on Thursday, January 12, with the screening of the film 13 días and the intervention of the professor and brigadier general, Salvador Sánchez Tapia. International Office and Brigadier General Salvador Sánchez Tapia.