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Curricular Internships, a springboard for the professional future

Final year students of the Degree in management Aplicada finish their training with a professional experience at business

12 | 02 | 2024

The fourth year students of the Degree at management Applied at ISSA School of Applied Management have the opportunity to choose how they wish to complete their training in the last semester of the degree program. Some choose to complete an Academicexchange at one of the more than 50 partner universities with which the school has agreements, while others choose to start their professional career with a Curricular Internship. Curricular Internships.

This academic year, almost twenty students have chosen to do internships in companies in Spain, Belgium, France and Colombia. For five months, they have the opportunity to get first-hand experience of the professional reality and to put the knowledge acquired during the course internship Degree . Thus, there are those who participate in the coordination of projects, processes or resource planning, and those who are integrated in Departments of Logistics and International Trade, Human Resources or Communication, among others.  

The process of choosing business takes place during the first semester of the fourth year. With the help of the Internship Service and employment of ISSA School of Applied Management, students determine their preferences (sector and area of interest, city, conditions...) and participate in sessions of training to face the selection process with guarantees.

In the first person

Five fourth-year students from Degree at management Applied share where they are working and the roles they are responsible for. They also demonstrate how they put on internship the lessons learned during the four years of degree program and what excites them most about starting their work journey.

Andrea EspínAndrea Espín
Digitalization and International Trade

At L'Oréal, I am mainly in charge of two tasks. On the one hand, to implement the tool Power BI encompassing four Departments of the Head Office (customer service, quality/reception/stocks, transport and flows), where I am the manager and I have the opportunity to provide the teams with advanced analytical tools to make decisions. On the other hand, I participate in the customer service management . In this case, the customers are the different countries to which L'Oréal distributes products, in total 52. 

In addition to the digital tools, I have been able to put on internship the management of projects, languages and international trade that I learned during the Degree in management Applied; the latter has been fundamental to better understand the global environment in which business operates, INCOTERMS, logistics, etc.

I was surprised by all the opportunities L'Oréal offered and the corporate culture. They place a lot of importance on training programs and development for their employees to help them improve and keep up to date.

Iosu AlonsoIosu Alonso

When I was told that I could do my internship at Volkswagen, I had no doubts. Being a multinational, I saw that there were many options for learning and growth. 

At Volkswagen I am part of the team in charge of carrying out the digitalization of department for the easy follow-up of the projects. To perform this task, I use Power BI and Excel programs, which I learned during the Degree in management Applied. Working by projects during the degree program has helped me a lot, but what excites me the most is the management and project tracking. 

Marta LuzánMarta Luzán
Human Resources

What struck me most about business was the variety of services they offer, as well as the quality with which they work. I was very interested in the world of Human Resources and wanted to learn more. Montaner, being a consulting firm, could offer me this; besides, I agree with their values, such as putting people at the center. 

During the internship I am in charge of supporting all the processes: selection and onboarding, training, coaching and consultancy service. I am also manager to analyze and find out where business can make itself known. 

I really enjoy preparing trainings on management conflict management, leadership and work in teams. At the same time, I put on internship the knowledge acquired in the subject of Human Resources and Psychology and I use the organizational tools that I have been taught, such as those related to Lean Management to detect aspects of improvement and to propose a proposal.

Sara BenitoSara Benito
Ewals position Care

I was interested in this internship because it offered me the opportunity to rotate through the Departments that I found most interesting, as this way I can get an overview of what is done in a Logistics business . 

At department where I am, I am manager of several processes. First, I receipt the shipping documents they send and look for what the customers need. In addition, I am in charge of getting on contact with the carriers to claim missing documentation. I am also on contact with the central business for shipping documentation.

I have implemented my knowledge in computer tools, such as Excel, which have been very useful to automate the functions. At the same time, having an overview of international trade has made it easier for me to understand how business works and to recognize the documentation I am asked to provide.

Asunción LeosAsunción Leos
Grande École ISIT
Office of International Office
scholarship Erasmus+

Being an institute of Management and Intercultural Communication, I was very struck by how it emphasized its international aspect. The different cultures represented in the team made me think that it would be a place where my international profile could contribute a lot and enrich me. Also, being located in Paris, I was looking forward to the opportunity to practice and improve my French in a work environment. 

I support in the coordination tasks of department, but above all, I am in charge of managing the exchange process of the students. I collect information from students and universities, communicate with them and update documents. In addition, from the Communication point of view, I send a monthly newsletter informing the team about the activities that have been carried out in the international department . 

I am having the opportunity to use knowledge acquired during the Degree, such as team project methodology and, above all, business communication to communicate in a professional and attractive way.



