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A hundred people attended the workshop Open Doors and Experimentation in Sciences

The students and their families have learned about the offer professor of the School and the different services offered by the campus of Pamplona.

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workshop Open Doors at School of Sciences
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
12/11/19 10:06 Enrique Cobos

Fifty students accompanied by their families came on Saturday to the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra for attend to a new edition of the workshop Open Doors (JPA). With the degree scroll 'Vivir el saber. Explore, discover and share', the goal of this meeting is to present to the prospective students the professor offer of the School, in addition to the rest of the services offered by the campus.

The students from high school diploma were able to perform experiments in Biochemistry and Biology in the laboratories of School while the accompanying persons received sessions on employment opportunities, academic programs, accommodation and funding. Saturday's workshop concluded with a guided visit tour of the School Science facilities (classrooms, laboratories, Library Services).

The origin of the students who have participated in the JPA of the School of Sciences is the following: Navarra, Guipúzcoa, Álava, La Rioja and Madrid. The schools represented in this Science JPA are the following: Luis Amigó, Sagrado Corazón, Miravalles, IES Alaitz, Aquinas American School, IES place de la Cruz, IES Navarro Villoslada, Ikastola San Fermín, San Cernin, high school Claret Larraona, Eskibel, C. San Miguel de Aralar, San Patricio el Soto, Vedruna-FEC, Hijas de Jesús, San Ignacio (Jesuits), high school La Salle, IES Pio Baroja, high school Europeo de Madrid, Escuela Bella Vista, Marianistas, Padre Moret-Irubide, IES Sancho III El Mayor, high school Urkide, Azkartxa Claret, Ikastola Ikasbidea, El Redín.

On Saturday, more than 1,000 people attended the University of Navarra's Open Doors conference distributed throughout the different Schools.  



