The research center in Nutrition seeks volunteers with diabetes subject 2 for a personalized nutrition project
DiabeT2Predict, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation with 1.7 million euros, will apply probiotic and postbiotic supplementation, according to the Genetics and microbiota of each patient.

/Researchers from the University of Navarra participating in the project DiabeT2Predict.
14 | 11 | 2024
Researchers from research center in Nutrition at the University of Navarra are looking for volunteers with diabetes subject 2, aged between 18 and 70 years, to participate in the project DiabeT2Predict, an innovative initiative aimed at improving the control of this disease.
The combination of advances in gut microbiota analysis and genetic tools will enable the application of a precision nutrition approach for improved control of diabetes subject 2 based on the participants' genetic profile and microbiota modulation. Volunteers will receive specialized care and comprehensive clinical follow-up in order to personalize interventions and improve blood glucose control of agreement with the individual characteristics of each patient. To participate in the study, please send an e-mail to or call 948 425 744.
"Our goal is to apply personalized nutrition through probiotic and postbiotic supplementation to address glycemic control, better understanding the particularities of each patient and adapting the treatment according to their Genetics and gut microbiota," says Pedro González Muniesa, researcher principal investigator of the study at the University of Navarra. "This approach will make it possible to offer nutritional solutions based on supplementation with microbiota modulators as a novel strategy that is more effective and compatible with medication and contribute to reducing the health impact of diabetes subject 2 in Spain, which currently represents 9% of the total health expense ."
The project is driven by a consortium of entities from research and biotechnology companies. Led by Genbioma at partnership with Patia, the Institute of research Sanitaria Biobizkaia and several teams from the University of Navarra (la Clínica Universidad de NavarraCRO, CRO, CIMA LAB Diagnostics and the research center in Nutrition), the study is funded with 1.7 million euros by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and is also financed by the European Union.
An innovative and safe strategy for the control of diabetes subject 2
As part of the study, the effectiveness of a probiotic/postbiotic formula developed by Genbioma, which aims to regulate glycemia by modulating the intestinal microbiota, will be evaluated. In addition, thanks to an advanced Genetics prediction tool , developed by Patia, researchers will be able to adapt the recommendations to the physiology of each patient, allowing a more conscious and personalized decision making in the management of their health.
Diabetes subject 2 is a worldwide pandemic, and Spain is currently the second European country with the highest incidence rate of this disease, with nearly 400,000 new diagnoses per year in adults. "The novelty of this study is that we do not intend to replace pharmacological treatment, but to provide each patient with all the information they need to change their lifestyle and eating habits, so that postbiotic supplementation is as effective as possible," explains González Muniesa.
In addition, since it is a nutritional intervention with postbiotics as safe nutritional supplements that have been previously tested together with diabetes medication, the transfer of research from laboratory to patients is much more direct and no side effects or drug interactions are expected, making it safer.