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"In the U.S. there are more people studying Spanish as a foreign language language than all other languages united."

ILCE's director gave a broad overview of the teaching of Spanish during a workshop to promote employment held at the University.

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Mª José Izquierdo, Yvonne Gavela-Ramos, Nekane Celayeta, Ares Miquel and Eduardo Negueruela. PHOTO: Adolfo Suárez
18/04/16 16:06 Chus Cantalapiedra

"In the U.S. there are more people who study Spanish as a second language language than the rest of the united languages. It is understood that any person holding a management position in the United States is fluent in English and Spanish". This was stated by Eduardo Negueruela, director of the Institute of language and Spanish Culture of the University of Navarra (ILCE), during the first workshop of employment opportunities of the sectors Education and Culture, organized by Career Services.

"In the United States, the issue of university students studying Spanish as a second language language went from 746,267 in 2002 to 864,986 in 2009," he said. He also emphasized that the teaching of the different languages, in order to reach an academic and sophisticated level, must be taught at the university level.

Mª José Izquierdo ( of the EFE agency), Yvonne Gavela-Ramos (University of Miami) and Nekane Celayeta (doctoral student at the University of Navarra) also participated in this roundtable .

"Culture has to be believed to be an economic resource "

Two other round tables were held during the workshop of employment opportunities , the first one focused on "Culture, a professional project ". Fernando Cañada (Muraria), Juan Carlos Pikabea (artist), Carmen Galbis, (Goya Auction House), Pilar Aguilar (Musealia) and Mercedes Jover (Museum of Navarra) took part in it.

The latter stressed that the future of Europe's Economics could lie in Cultural Heritage: "I don't think we can compete with the emerging powers in new technologies, but in Europe we have the cradle of the Philosophy, the cradle of Law and the whole Christian tradition. Culture has to believe that it is an economic resource ".

Carmen Galbis, for her part, insisted on the importance of attitude when looking for ways out: "You must not miss a single opportunity. You can't be in comfort, comfort is for 80-year-olds. If you have to go to London, or wherever they call you, go. Everything you leave here stays here, and everything you earn there, you'll never know what it is".

In addition, another roundtable focused on "I want to be a teacher" was held, in which two alumni of the Master's Degree University at academic staff (Maite Romero and Alejandro Rodriguez) offered their professional experience now that they are dedicated to the teaching.



