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"Small changes in per diem expenses can generate big health benefits in the long run."

University researcher Santiago Navas inaugurated the XIX update conference on Nutrition, in which more than 1,000 professionals from the health sector participated.

/Santiago Navas, during his discussion paper at the conference.

21 | 02 | 2025

" Diet is a fundamental tool in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, so adopting healthy dietary patterns can make a difference in the health of the population". With these words, Santiago Navas, researcher at the Nutritionresearch center , inaugurated the XIX edition of the Nutrition update conference , organized by the University of Navarra, in which more than 1000 professionals from the health sector participated.

In his speech, Navas highlighted the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, attributing it largely to the aging population and environmental and lifestyle factors. He also stressed the importance of reducing risk factors such as hypertension and atherosclerosis through nutritional strategies backed by scientific evidence: "We cannot underestimate the impact of diet on our health: we have proven that small changes in per diem expenses can generate large long-term benefits".

Thus, the expert explained that low-carbohydrate diets have been shown to reduce blood pressure and triglyceride levels, making them an effective option for improving cardiovascular health. "Evidence shows that proper nutrition can be as effective as some pharmacological treatments in the management of hypertension." In this regard, he highlighted the efficacy of per diem expenses DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), whose impact on lowering blood pressure compares with that of some drugs.

The benefits of modulating per diem expenses with eachstaff status

Navas also reviewed the most researched dietary patterns with proven effects, such as the per diem expenses Portfolio, which is capable of significantly reducing total cholesterol and triglyceride levels by including certain food groups. He also highlighted the benefits of vegetarian diets, which have shown positive effects in reducing LDL cholesterol, thus contributing to heart health. "Each person is different, so personalization of per diem expenses is core topic to obtain the best results in cardiovascular health," he added.

Among all the dietary options, the Mediterraneanper diem expenses is positioned as the most effective. "It is a dietary model that not only prevents diseases, but also improves the quality of life," emphasized the researcher. Its positive impact on blood pressure and lipid profile , in addition to its ability to reduce cardiovascular risk, make it the nutritional model of reference letter. This dietary patron saint , based on the consumption of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, has demonstrated significant health benefits.

In addition, Navas stressed the importance of personalized nutrition and reviewed foods with protective properties, such as oily fish, nuts, legumes and products rich in antioxidants, such as dark chocolate and green tea. According to the expert, incorporating these foods into daily per diem expenses can contribute to better cardiovascular health and the prevention of chronic diseases.

A meeting point for sharing scientific evidence

After the lecture, the conference continued with two roundtables dedicated to the influence of nutrition on diabetes and cancer, where different experts discussed the role of nutrition in the prevention and control of these prevalent diseases. The first explored how per diem expenses can influence the prevention and control of diabetes, while the second roundtable analyzed certain dietary patterns that can contribute to reducing the risk of developing tumors and improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

Organized by the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition, and developed in partnership with Cinfa both at the Pamplona Campus and online, these conference are aimed at dietitians-nutritionists, pharmacists and health professionals interested in the application of nutritional strategies in the prevention and treatment of chronic pathologies. They are a meeting point for update knowledge in the field of nutrition and offer an opportunity for health professionals to access updated information based on scientific evidence.



