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The employment rate of Pharmacy and Nutrition graduates exceeds 93%.

According to the latest study carried out by Career Services of the University of Navarra

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21/06/18 11:10 Laura Juampérez

As collected in the study of employment rate of the graduates of the University of Navarra in 2015, 2016 and 2017 -prepared for Career Services of the academic center by high school of Market Research and Strategic Marketing, Ikerfel-, the rate average of occupation of the alumni of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition is 93.4%, above the 92.5% of average of all Schools of campus.

Degree by Degree, in the case of Pharmacy this occupation average is 92.2%, 97.3% in the case of Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and 92.3% for graduates of the double degree Degree.

In the environment of the Master's Degree programs of the School, the overall employment rate (which includes employed graduates and those who continue their training orienting their degree program, among other outlets, to the research) is average 95.9%. The Master's Degree University Degree in research, development and Drug Innovation is close to 98% occupancy, while the Master's Degree European University Degree in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism (E-MENU) exceeds 91%.



