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More than 190 students participate in a new edition of congress UNMUN organized at the University.

The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Pakistan's Ambassador to Spain, Shujjat Ali Rathore. 

FotoCedida/Attendeesat the inaugural ceremony of UNMUN at the classroom Magna of Central Building, during the speech of the Ambassador of Pakistan, Shujjat Ali Rathore.

24 | 02 | 2022

More than 190 students from different Schools of the University of Navarra are taking part in a new edition of the congress UNMUN (Model United Nations) organised by the School Law Department. UNMUN is a diplomatic competition in which students learn to develop skills such as work teamwork, argumentation, public speaking, etc., as if they were United Nations delegates. 

The inaugural ceremony took place at the classroom Magna of the Central Building and was attended by the Pakistani ambassador, Shujjat Ali Rathore. The ambassador dedicated his discussion paper to the recent conflict in Afghanistan, following the departure of US troops, the implications this has had on his country and the measures that the United Nations has adopted in relation to the tensions in the area. The ambassador answered questions from the delegates. 

The event concluded with a speech by Jorge Noval, Dean of the School Law School, who congratulated the committee organisers of congress and encouraged students to participate in this subject event, which complements the training they receive in the classroom. The Dean highlighted to the students three key points that they should bear in mind during their professional practice. The first of these is a passion for truth. "Pluralism is enriching, but we must not fall into relativism," he said. He then advocated empathy as the way to understand others and resolve conflicts and, lastly, he pointed out the responsibility and capacity that each person must have to assume the consequences of their actions. 

The congress UNMUN will be held at Amigos Building until Saturday 26 February. Over these three days, the delegates, organised into five committees and representing more than thirty countries, will debate the status of climate refugees; globalisation and sustainable development ; cyberterrorism; the economic, psychological and social impact of the pandemic on children and adolescents; universal access to vaccines and generic medication; and the status of women in armed conflicts, among other issues.    



