"It is not the same to finish a Degree without having had a first work experience, as it is to finish it with that practical and human learning in your backpack," says Roberto Cabezas, director of Career Services, the Careers Office of the University. "Applying what you have learned at classroom will always be a plus when it comes to finding employment," he says.
University students have completed or are completing more than 1,100 extracurricular academic internships (PAE) this summer (June to August). Marta Rodríguez-Sañudo, a student of Degree at design with the specialization program fashion, is one of them. "Doing internships is a unique experience, as it gives you the opportunity to learn firsthand how the sector works and you can see how to guide your programs of study to focus on the working world," she says.
Marta worked in June and July at Ecoalf, a pioneer brand in sustainable fashion. There she has collaborated in the daily tasks of the design team, also supporting the department of pattern making and textile. "This opportunity started when the teachers encouraged me to contact the business once the project of the first semester", she recalls. "I am very grateful for all that I have learned. The experience of entering for the first time in a commercial fashion brand in plenary session of the Executive Council development of a collection has been impressive", assures Marta.