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A stay in Warsaw to research on new models of affectivity and character Education

The researcher of ICS Carlos Beltramo has made a research stay at the Cardinal Wyszynski University (Poland) where he has opened new avenues for partnership

/Carlos Beltramo during a lecture at Cardinal Wyszynski University.

30 | 03 | 2023

Carlos Beltramo, researcher of the group 'Education 'of affectivity and human sexuality' of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra, has made a stay at the Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland) between November 2022 and February 2023. The main goal of this stay has been to explore possible collaborations with the Polish center to research on the well-being of young people and to develop a model of Education of the character on which specialists from different centers will work. 

Beltramo, expert in Education of affectivity and in Education of character, affirms that between these two fields there are many complementary points: "Continuing the research initiated in the ICS, our intention is that the word character appears explicitly in the proposals on the topic of the Education of affectivity". As explained by researcher, the core topic is the concept of love. "Love unifies the Education affective-sexual and the Education of character, and is the point where the two must converge, he emphasized.

"The stay opened up a new panoramafor me," Beltramo confessed. The higher rates of religiosity among Poles have made him think of a possible line of research to establish how religiosity can influence the behaviors and attitudes of young people. "We would like to explore theoretically and empirically to what extent religiosity can be considered as another pillar of character," Beltramo explained.

New contacts for the University

In addition to his work of research, the expert has also offered classes in Philosophical Anthropology at School of Pedagogy. "It has been an opportunity to be an ambassador of the University of Navarra since there were almost no ties with what is the second largest university in Warsaw," he said. As Beltramo said, thanks to this stay, agreements have been reached at educational that have been beneficial for the universities, as well as for schools and foundations in Poland. A door has been opened to partnership in Erasmus and advisory projects.

Beltramo has also worked with the Leader100 Educational Foundation, a program that seeks to develop habits and competencies for children and young people to prepare them for adult life, development . It is a methodology focused jointly on parents, teachers and students that is applied in public schools in Poland, as well as educational centers in Brazil, Spain and several Latin American countries. Anna Krupowies and Luis Brusa, researchers of the Foundation, visited Pamplona at the end of Beltramo's stay.



