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10 | 05 | 2022

Graduates of the fourth class of the Master's Degree in programs of study Curator of the University of Navarra Museum

ImagenManuel Castells


10 | 05 | 2022

GRISO announces the XII International congress"Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro" (JISO 2022) in both face-to-face and online formats.


09 | 05 | 2022

Professor Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, new president of the Friends of the University association

ImagenManuel Castells


09 | 05 | 2022

Experts in dataand artificial intelligence present their research at the University in search of solutions to current challenges, such as personalised medicine and Industry 4.0.

ImagenManuel Castells


09 | 05 | 2022

"Because of their limited scientific knowledge, our ancestors resorted to the supernatural to explain their environment."

ImagenManuel Castells


09 | 05 | 2022

Former students Belen Martín and Coro Celigüeta, Excellence Scholarship holders by the Rafael del Pino Foundation.



06 | 05 | 2022

The King submissionin Barcelona, Spain, awarded the National awardof researchin Medicine to Dr. Jesús San Miguel.



06 | 05 | 2022

"The 21st century is being, and will be, the electric century".



05 | 05 | 2022

The MUN presents in Madrid the 'notebookde Creación' dedicated to Jon Maya, a book that covers the creative process of the trilogy 'A puerta cerrada' (Behind Closed Doors).

ImagenPilar Bravo


05 | 05 | 2022

Professor Marisol García receives the award "Universidad y Deporte" for her nutritional monitoring and training in the Sports Talent Program

ImagenManuel Castells



