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04 | 05 | 2022

Manuel Aragón: "The State, in agreementwith the constitutional rules, has unrenounceable competences, of obligatory exercise, which it cannot endorse to the Autonomous Communities".

ImagenIñaki Porto


04 | 05 | 2022

The ICS will carry out research on the reporthistorical in current Spanish generations, with funding from the Ministry of the Presidency.

ImagenManuel Castells


04 | 05 | 2022

Carlos Mata, from GRISO, participates in a roundtableon "The gastronomy of "Don Quixote" in the 21st century" held in Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real).



03 | 05 | 2022

Juan Carlos Unzué: "We cannot allow a sick person to want to die because they feel it is an unbearable burden".

ImagenManuel Castells


03 | 05 | 2022

University team wins Tracfone Trachack Challenge


03 | 05 | 2022

Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca, Full Professor: "The extensive development of renewable energies requires the training in a legal system that is constantly evolving". 

ImagenManuel Castells


03 | 05 | 2022

The University closes the ordinary deadline Admissions Office with 6,259 applications, 10% more than last year.

ImagenMiguel Ángel Echávarri


03 | 05 | 2022

Seventy students take the prelims at the School de Ciencias


02 | 05 | 2022

Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (April 2022)


02 | 05 | 2022

The University Sports Gala recognises 32 university athletes



