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02 | 10 | 2023

Interdisciplinary experts support self-care, meaningful aging and intergenerational dialogue in the face of longevity challenge

ImagenIsabel Solana


02 | 10 | 2023

What is it like to be professor in Science?


02 | 10 | 2023

Bishop Conesa: "Benedict XVI always sought ways of dialogue between faith and reason".

ImagenManuel Castells


29 | 09 | 2023

School of Architecture hosts BAL 2023 with Ecuador as guest country



29 | 09 | 2023

The School of Communication signature a agreement with the association for the development of the program of high school diploma of research B+

ImagenManuel Castells


29 | 09 | 2023

Marta Olaizola and Almudena Uclés, new University delegates

ImagenManuel Castells


28 | 09 | 2023

The first edition of Master's Degree in Matrimonial Law and Canonical Procedural Law starts in Madrid



28 | 09 | 2023

The School de Derecho creates a department to promote the teaching and research at International Office

ImagenManuel Castells


28 | 09 | 2023

Ramón Salaverría, Full Professor of Journalism at the University, recognized as researcher of the Year.


27 | 09 | 2023

The University, fourth in Spain according to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2024

ImagenManuel Castells



