Decade 50
70 years of history
The Estudio General de Navarra
The Estudio General de Navarra was officially inaugurated on October 17, 1952. That first opening ceremony took place in the Hall of the committee Foral de Navarra, in the Provincial Council, and was attended by provincial and local authorities.
That same academic year 52/53, the classes of the School of Law began to be taught in premises provided by the Diputación Foral in the Cámara de Comptos (Chamber of Comptos). -
Medicine and Nursing
In 1954 the Schools of Medicine and Nursing were born. The 25 students enrolled in the first course of Medicine gave class in the Chamber of Comptos; and the 22 students of Nursing did so in the conference room of acts of the high school of Hygiene, lent by its director.
"Old School".
The students of Schools of Medicine and Nursing began to study subjects that required practice and facilities. They moved to a small building at the Hospital de Navarra, on loan from the Provincial Council, affectionately known as the "Old School".
Philosophy and Letters
The Provincial Council gave the top floor of the Museum of Navarra and there began the School of Philosophy and Letters with the History section, at position of Professor Federico Suárez.
The students of the Estudio General de Navarra, according to the custom of the time, wore uniforms in those early years. They were easily recognizable in the city. -
"Escuela Nueva" and Journalism
The Medicine and Nursing classes were moved to the so-called "Escuela Nueva", the first building of the current campus of the University, which is still in operation as Research Building. Also that year, the high school Journalism course began.
IESE was inaugurated in Barcelona, which was born as high school of the University. Its promoter, with the encouragement of St. Josemaría Escrivá, was Antonio Valero. The first PADE (Senior Management Program) was attended by 20 students.
In October 1958, School began the first Selective Course in Science. Under the name "Science, Engineering and Architecture Preparatory Course", it had 64 students (11 women and 53 men). In those early days, the Selective Course shared the premises with the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing, in the first phase of the "New School" (part of the current Research Building), inaugurated that same year.
University Halls of Residence
The Aralar, the University's first high school Mayor Aralar, the University's first men's college, high school , located in the center of Pamplona. As precedents to the Goimendi and Goroabe halls of residence, women's colleges were installed in Conde Rodezno and in a villa at average Luna.
New course
This first decade ended with the opening of the 1959/60 academic year. Francisco Gómez Antón, University Secretary of the Estudio General de Navarra, gave the inaugural lecture. The ceremony was held in the chapel annexed to the Museum of Navarre, used as classroom Magna.
The procession went through the streets of Pamplona from the Museum of Navarra to the Church of San Saturnino and back to the chapel of the Museum. -
Canon Law
The same day of the opening of the 1959/60 academic year, the high school of Canon Law was inaugurated and Mr. José Orlandis was sworn in as its director.