Strategy 2025 Balance Sheet. University of Navarra

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University spirit at the service of people

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The University's plan for the coming years has reached its halfway point and its protagonists take stock of the results


People caring for people through work. This is how Strategy 2025 could be defined. A roadmap with three main axes (Education transforming, research with impact and focus and interdisciplinary university) where there are no small contributions. Twelve projects that, guided by the motto "University and sustainability", lead the way. 

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Thinking the University

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Universitas is one of the initiatives within "Education transforming" led by the Quality and Innovation service. Its mission statement is that each School defines what it means to be a good professional and the teaching strategies to achieve it. In the 22-23 academic year, it was launched through the creation of the teaching commissions and a process of reflection. "We have to think of our students as people to be trained to transform society," said Secundino Fernández, Vice President of Office of Academic Affairs, on the occasion of one of the last meetings of the work groups. 

The Professional Programs Unit focuses on training for professionals beyond the university stage. Through its programs, it has reached 3,500 people. As its director, Ignacio Gil, explains, the great achievement is "the opportunity to be more connected with the professional world; to reach different audiences and diversify their sources of income. In final, multiplying the positive impact of the University".


Teacher and students of the School of Architecture

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Health and prevention during the university stage

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A transformative Education must be comprehensive and therefore, include the student's development from the academic point of view and staff. The Health and Wellness project took a step in this direction with the creation of the Counseling and Wellness Unit, Compass. A support for students with difficulties. In addition, it presented several workshops on various issues such as the management of time or the use of social networks.  

In the opinion of Rosalía Baena, Vice President of Students: "the great advance in Health and Wellness has consisted of bringing together activities that were already being carried out at the University and bringing together professionals from different disciplines to provide services to students who need them, always with an educational approach , as is typical of a University".

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"We have to think of our students as people to be trained to transform society."

Vice President from Office of Academic Affairs

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Research to serve

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"research with impact and focus" is another of the axes of Strategy 2025, which includes teams from different areas such as Medicine, Communication, Philosophy and Economics, among others.

In the medical field, the study of rare diseases, palliative medicine and oncology stand out. All of them have developed their work with a common vision: personalized medicine. Among the most noteworthy milestones is the presentation of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Its goal is aimed at improving the survival and quality of life of cancer patients through the generation of knowledge and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools. A great hope for this disease. "In the future, I envision it as an international reference letter institution, both in preclinical research and in innovation and translation of our work", says Rubén Pío, Deputy Director of the center.

These and other research projects from different disciplines have received greater impetus thanks to the support of research Strategy 2025 and events such as Time To Share or Bioma Talks; meetings for reflection and sharing. 


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Let's talk about Science, Social Sciences

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The research in Social Sciences includes, on the one hand, the group "Society and Communication", who through ReMeD and IBERIFIER have addressed media sustainability and disinformation, respectively. These and other programs of study such as the transformation of digital media or the speech of hate have led them to participate in national and international forums. At final, as Ramón Salaverría, coordinator and professor at School de Comunicación, says, "not only do we produce results, but we also sow for the future".

On the other hand, the line of "work,care and development" has also advanced thanks to the initial impulse of project "The meaning of work in recent theology". and to the subsequent training of three interdisciplinary teams led by Professor Ana Marta González studying: " work as a human vector of development", "vocational professionals and organization of work" and "rest, work and leisure". Likewise, we have collaborated with several Chairs and entities and have created the Chair Idea of "New Longevities". In addition, the dedication of recent years has already borne fruit in the form of publications, seminars and meetings. 

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"Solutions, oriented to the good of human beings and their natural environment, will come from an interdisciplinary approach where science, technology and social sciences and Humanities enter into dialogue and partnership"

Vice President from research and Sustainability

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Caring for the environment is caring for people

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"Environment" is the last of the areas of research in which the 2025 Strategy is going in depth. Among its projects, the creation of two Chairs, the preparation of a Master's Degree in sustainability or the implementation of a Smart Campus Living Lab stand out. 

This commitment to a sustainable future will finally be materialized with the construction of the BIOMA CenterThe Biodiversity and Environment Institute, the Science Museum and the teaching of different Schools.

"The solutions, oriented to the good of human beings and their natural environment, will come from the hand of an interdisciplinary approach where science, technology and social sciences and Humanities enter into dialogue and partnership", as explained by the Vice President of research and Sustainability, Paloma Grau.

The president, María Iraburu, also underlines the importance of the multidisciplinarity since the BIOMA Center "is a project with which the University wants to contribute to some of the most important debates of our time with the contribution of science and from a humanist approach , open to dialogue with other sciences".


BIOMA Center

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A period...
...until 2025


In this small stop along the way, the president also wanted to thank all those who are driving these projects "because if we look back and see all that has been achieved, it is easy to realize that the heart of Strategy 2025 are the people who carry it out, because the University of Navarra is the people who make it up: the professors and researchers and also those dedicated to the management who with their work make it possible for the University to leave its mark".

Beyond the results, the Strategy connects very different disciplines and people to work on the search for solutions to the challenges of today's world. A richness that fills the last steps towards 2025 with optimism and big dreams.

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The strategy is its protagonists

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Ana Marta González


"The study of work offers a privileged platform for dialogue between university and society. After a first stage in which we have mapped the terrain, the aim is to consolidate and give continuity to this interdisciplinary reflection, through a rigorous academic work , materialized in publications and well-defined projects, which delve into the different dimensions of the human work and highlight its central place in the configuration of staff and social life."

Professor of Philosophy


Rafael García


"It seemed important to us to emphasize the professional dimension considered from a broader perspective: to think of work as the way of serving and being in the world, and identity as something more complex than mere technical preparation, which is taken for granted: we train people in the broadest sense of the expression who share a series of qualities and habits."

Deputy Director of the Institute Core Curriculum

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Enrique Aubá


"We want to give visibility and reinforce initiatives that were already at the University or make them known so that more people can benefit, in addition to encouraging professionals to bring some of their knowledge in-house. Many internal synergies are being generated that help to launch joint initiatives".

Clínica Universidad de Navarra


Chusmi Santamaría


"Significant progress has been made in understanding environmental problems, identifying threats and promoting solutions. However, we face critical challenges. We must maintain an ongoing commitment to rigorous research , effective knowledge dissemination and concrete action to preserve our planet and generations to come."

Director of the Biodiversity Institute