The Ministry of Science and Innovation is funding five research projects from Institute for Culture and Society on bequest cultural, history and Economics
In addition to these project grants, the Spanish Government has awarded a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación grant for research in forensic linguistics.
27 | 10 | 2021
The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra has received funding from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain to develop five research projects on bequest cultural and history and Economics. The projects, framed in the modalities "Challenges research" and "Generation of knowledge", have started this academic year 2021-2022 and will last four years.
First of all,Julia Pavón, principal researcher at group '.Creativity and Cultural Heritageof the ICS, will run the project 'The Hospital and the Temple in the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Navarre (12th-13th century): a driving force for the transformation of social networks and religiosity'. In it, the expert will analyse the impact of the main military orders, Templars and Hospitallers, on the medieval societies of the Kingdom of Navarre and the Crown of Aragon.
Albert Recasens, researcher of the same group, will work on the recovery of the Hispanic musical heritage together with María José de la Torre Molina, professor at the University of Málaga. In their project 'Performance practice in Spanish cathedrals (1563-1833): liturgy, musical styles and performance conditions' they will fill in some gaps on musical practice in Spanish cathedrals in the Modern Age by focusing on the concept of performance practice.
For his part, Jaume Aurell, researcher of group 'Religion and Civil Societyand Álvaro Fernández de Córdova, lecturer at the School de Teología, will present the project 'El carisma en la España bajomedieval: Gobernantes, ceremonias, objetos' (Charisma in late medieval Spain: Rulers, ceremonies, objects). The aim is to document, analyse and interpret some manifestations of charisma in the exercise of authority in late medieval Spain.
The Navarra Center for International Development of the ICS has also received two grants from the Ministry. Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña will continue his research on long report processes and fractional integration in time series analysis with the project 'Fractional integration: theoretical advances and empirical developments'. Likewise, Raúl Bajo Buenestado will develop the project 'Social aid, incentives and household behaviour' which studies the impact of social networks, cash transfers and social attendance programmes on the household behaviour of their recipients.
Grants for the incorporation of young talent
The Ministry of Science and Innovation has also awarded a prestigious financial aid Juan de la Cierva Incorporación to Dámaso Izquierdo, researcher of the group 'Public discourse' of the ICS. Thanks to this funding, Izquierdo will be able to continue his work on freedom of expression, the right to honour, hate speech and defamation in social networks. The researcher tries to delimit the boundaries between these concepts in the project 'Verbal aggression in the face of freedom of expression in social networks' in order to understand the legitimate use of freedom of expression and apply it in forensic linguistics.
The Juan de la Cierva Incorporation grants are co-funded by the European Union's NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan. These grants are awarded for a period of three years to encourage the recruitment of talented researchers who have recently defended their thesis.