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11 | 07 | 2022

66 women scientists from the University, in the CSIC's ranking of greatest impact


08 | 07 | 2022

"Cooking, as well as ingredients, is made of emotions and feelings, and that's why I bring that passion to whatever field I'm in".

ImagenManuel Castells


06 | 07 | 2022

"I am very grateful to Tecnun for the research stay I have been able to do."


05 | 07 | 2022

researcher NCID resident Ignacio Campomanes gets a scholarship from the Atlantic Council and the Acton Institute for research on the dimensions of freedom.

ImagenManuel Castells


05 | 07 | 2022

University students complete their academic training with curricular placements around the world


04 | 07 | 2022

"Living every Friday with my PADEM colleagues has been like finding a treasure"


04 | 07 | 2022

Three days of diving in the Degree in Applied Management


01 | 07 | 2022

Ibon Hualde, Full Professor: "The reform of the Insolvency Law creates the figure of the expert who has to attend the debtor and the creditors during the whole negotiation process".

ImagenManuel Castells


01 | 07 | 2022

Tecnun hosts an international symposium on sustainability in the tourism sector


01 | 07 | 2022

"We have to dream of the School we want in 10 years' time".

ImagenManuel Castells



