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New department of Political Science and Sociology in the School of Philosophy and Letters

PhotoManuelCastells/From left to right, Alejandro N. García, secretary; Julia Urabayen, director; and Alejandro Martínez Carrasco, Deputy Director

Last November 11, the Office of the Executive Council approved the creation of the department Political Science and Sociology in the School of Philosophy and Letters . It thus joins the other three existing Departments : History, History of Art and Geography; Philosophy; y Philology.

This new departmental unit is a project on which the School of Philosophy and Letters has been working since last academic year. Its goal is to provide organizational coverage and academic coordination to the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), which began to be taught in the 2018-19 academic year and currently has 209 students. Another reason responds to the development researcher of the areas of Sociology and Political Science.

The board is composed of professors Julia Urabayen (director), Alejandro Martínez Carrasco (Deputy Director) and Alejandro N. García (secretary). It will also be integrated by professors Sergio Clavero, Mark Hoipkemier, Elena Álvarez, Beatriz Simón, Dolores López and Irene Lanzas.

Julia Pavón, dean of the School, thanked the work "to all the academic staff involved in the teaching, activities and coordination of the Degree in PPE. This partnership has allowed and enables the operation of this project".



