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27 | 06 | 2023

Miguel Zugasti, Full Professor of Literature of the School of Philosophy and Letters, recovers the chronicles of the shipwreck of Pedro Gobeo de Vitoria, Spanish explorer.


27 | 06 | 2023

"The main raw subject of our sector is the illusion of the people."

ImagenJuan José Rico


27 | 06 | 2023

"The essence and values of ISSA take on greater value in today's world."


26 | 06 | 2023

The Archbishop of Pamplona officiated at the Mass of St. Josemaría, founder of Opus Dei and of the University


23 | 06 | 2023

workshop to make research visible and to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of biomedical engineering.


23 | 06 | 2023

Lucia Y. Ojewale: "The atmosphere at the University of Navarra financial aid to make a good intellectual work ".



23 | 06 | 2023

"The teacher has the obligation to think about the students and to form their heads."

ImagenManuel Castells


23 | 06 | 2023

Ignacio López-Goñi, University microbiologist, award de Ciencia en Español

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 06 | 2023

The "Ermua garage" moves to the University

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 06 | 2023

New immunotherapy combination improves efficacy in animal models of liver cancer

ImagenManuel Castells



